Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Journaling: Reney!

I think probably the most rewarding part of yesterday was having the conversation with Reney. I think I had been in shock all afternoon and early evening about Chien-Hwe breaking up with me, but by the time I left Green Street Studios to head home, I was upset. I remember Olivier telling me that I should find an outlet for my emotions, but I didn't know how.

Reney has no trouble finding an outlet for her emotions, which actually made it easier for me. I would complain about something, and then she'd really go off on it, which was funny and helpful at the same time. I think she helped clarify for me exactly what I was feeling. Little things that I thought weren't a big deal would have been a big deal to her, such as getting upset when Chien-Hwe said "have a good night".

Reney then talked about her own stresses, personal and job-related. It was nice to be reminded that I'm not the only one that has trouble, and I'm impressed with the way she handled them.

And like I said, we ended with happy conversations. Reney finished reading "Wicked" and I found out she's seeing it in January. How exciting! and I had a good class with Jody, a good voice recital, and I suppose I didn't mention it, but I was also thinking about my good class with Marcus.

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