Monday, May 21, 2012


I'm grateful for...

...having had a good conversation with Molly.
...having organized my day and accomplishing goals that I set out to do.
...Merrick for teaching me the Wing Chun lesson.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Afternoon

I'm grateful for...

...having stayed awake through "Fancy Free"! It was such a delight.
...having found the Synergo Music Method, which seems to have fleshed out what I believe. I managed to further one of my goals of learning how to sing without consciously realizing that I had already written it down as a goal.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saturday morning

I'm grateful...

...for Hulu, which enabled me to watch Sherlock Holmes last night
...for Molly's honest voicemail
...for dreams about double tours, which mean that they're becoming a part of my subconscious

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I'm grateful...

...that I'm such good friends with Katie. 9 hours hanging out!
...that there are webcasts that I enjoy listening to.
...that there is so much information available online.

Friday, May 11, 2012


I'm grateful...

...that I read Marcus' Facebook and saw that there was no modern class.
...that I made time to try Bob Cooley's meridian flexibility energy flow series.
...that I had added traction to some of my Gyrotonic workouts and could share that with Taylor yesterday and Gustavo today.

Thursday, May 10, 2012



I am grateful...

...that I talked with Marilyn after Alexander Technique class and found out about Liz Koch and then Bob Cooley. His book is interesting.

...that I'm able to warm up my hamstrings before class. It made Ilona's class so much easier for me than Mary's.

...for the nice people who provide services over the internet for free.


I am grateful...

...for the funny dream I had about some dreamt up sport where somehow you're lying on your stomach and you have a motor that pushes you along the ground. Crazily enough, I went uphill! It was funny remembering this.

...the conversation with Kellina. I think I'vel earned some valuable things about myself within the conversation, such as how I come up with what I want to say without thinking, and that it's based on correcting some unfairness. And it's true, sometimes I take pleasure in other people's misery, but that's only under the intent of telling people the truth.

...for being able to research music on the internet. What did people do before the internet?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Journaling: Reney!

I think probably the most rewarding part of yesterday was having the conversation with Reney. I think I had been in shock all afternoon and early evening about Chien-Hwe breaking up with me, but by the time I left Green Street Studios to head home, I was upset. I remember Olivier telling me that I should find an outlet for my emotions, but I didn't know how.

Reney has no trouble finding an outlet for her emotions, which actually made it easier for me. I would complain about something, and then she'd really go off on it, which was funny and helpful at the same time. I think she helped clarify for me exactly what I was feeling. Little things that I thought weren't a big deal would have been a big deal to her, such as getting upset when Chien-Hwe said "have a good night".

Reney then talked about her own stresses, personal and job-related. It was nice to be reminded that I'm not the only one that has trouble, and I'm impressed with the way she handled them.

And like I said, we ended with happy conversations. Reney finished reading "Wicked" and I found out she's seeing it in January. How exciting! and I had a good class with Jody, a good voice recital, and I suppose I didn't mention it, but I was also thinking about my good class with Marcus.