I am grateful...
...that I talked with Marilyn after Alexander Technique class and found out about Liz Koch and then Bob Cooley. His book is interesting.
...that I'm able to warm up my hamstrings before class. It made Ilona's class so much easier for me than Mary's.
...for the nice people who provide services over the internet for free.
I am grateful...
...for the funny dream I had about some dreamt up sport where somehow you're lying on your stomach and you have a motor that pushes you along the ground. Crazily enough, I went uphill! It was funny remembering this.
...the conversation with Kellina. I think I'vel earned some valuable things about myself within the conversation, such as how I come up with what I want to say without thinking, and that it's based on correcting some unfairness. And it's true, sometimes I take pleasure in other people's misery, but that's only under the intent of telling people the truth.
...for being able to research music on the internet. What did people do before the internet?
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